Tuesday, 20 May 2014

To egg or not to egg..?

So I have been thinking about whats going to happen with my diet when I finish the initial 6 week strict Vegan diet.
I am surprised I really haven't missed meat that much at all so I really don't think I will go back to eating it. I don't miss milk either but I do really miss cheese... So maybe I will occasionally indulge in some local cheeses If I can ascertain that the animals are kept properly and not forced to produce loads of milk through constant  pregnancy.
And so to my main question "To egg or not to egg?" I keep chickens we had 8 but lost Beatrice a few weeks ago so now we only have 7 :( but even so we still have loads of eggs!!! Now my thinking is that I should continue eating eggs once my initial 6 weeks is up because they are completely Organic,  Free Range and Cruelty Free. I mean these are probably the most spoit chickens in the world!!! So those of you who are Vegan would you? And to anyone reading this that isn't what are your views also?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I'm a vegan and I have asked myself this same question before. In the past I would have agreed with you - that if the hens aren't going to be killed and are essentially well cared for pets, where's the harm? But since then I've thought about it a bit more and have reached a different conclusion.

    Firstly, if you go without eggs and give them to someone else who would normally buy factory farmed eggs, that's going to do even more to stop suffering. Also, producing eggs takes a lot out of a hen's body - many suffer calcium deficiencies and osteoporosis because of all the shells they have to make. By hard-boiling the eggs and mashing them up into their food you can give these nutrients back to the hens. This article helps to cover some of the issues at play: http://www.theveganwoman.com/is-it-ethical-to-eat-eggs-from-home-grown-chickens/

    By the way, if you're after really good vegan cheese, I can highly recommend Vegusto. It's the closest I've found to the real thing.

    Hope that helps :-)
